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Wednesday, April 20th
9:00 AM

Biochemical Analysis of Biofilm Formation in Response to Changes in Concentrations of D-Alanine

Jasmin Cruz, Harrisburg University of Science and Technology
Akeisha Belgrave, Harrisburg University of Science and Technology
Erica Ward, Harrisburg University of Science and Technology

Student Union

9:00 AM - 11:00 AM

9:00 AM

Computational Analysis of Myxococcus xanthus Gliding Motility with Varying Cellular Growth Rate

Laura Batista, Harrisburg University of Science and Technology
Akeisha Belgrave, Harrisburg University of Science and Technology

Student Union

9:00 AM - 11:00 AM

9:00 AM

Gene Therapy and Biomedical Applications

Sarah Dundore, Harrisburg University of Science and Technology
Leena Pattarkine, Harrisburg University of Science and Technology

Student Union

9:00 AM - 11:00 AM

9:00 AM

Point of Care Devices

Oluwatomilola Taiwo, Harrisburg University of Science and Technology
Leena Pattarkine, Harrisburg University of Science and Technology

Student Union

9:00 AM - 11:00 AM

9:00 AM

Sickle Cell Anemia

Gabriel Donahoe, Harrisburg University of Science and Technology
Maurice Lopez-Soliz, Harrisburg University of Science and Technology
Bernardo Mesa, Harrisburg University of Science and Technology

Student Union

9:00 AM - 11:00 AM

9:00 AM

Stem Cell Therapy and Biomedical Applications

David Youssef, Harrisburg University of Science and Technology
Leena Pattarkine, Harrisburg University of Science and Technology

Student Union

9:00 AM - 11:00 AM

9:00 AM

The Determination of %GC Composition of DNA Extracted from Salmon Testes

Alicia Browne, Harrisburg University of Science and Technology
Catherine Santai, Harrisburg University of Science and Technology

Student Union

9:00 AM - 11:00 AM

9:00 AM

The Study of Yeast Alcoholic Fermentation Using Various Sugars

Jade Warne, Harrisburg University of Science and Technology
Jasmin Cruz, Harrisburg University of Science and Technology
Alicia Browne, Harrisburg University of Science and Technology
Catherine Santai, Harrisburg University of Science and Technology

Student Union

9:00 AM - 11:00 AM

9:00 AM

The Use of Essential Oils towards the Eradication of Streptococcus mutans

Alicia Browne, Harrisburg University of Science and Technology
Akeisha Belgrave, Harrisburg University of Science and Technology

Student Union

9:00 AM - 11:00 AM

9:00 AM

The Utilization of NMR Spectroscopy to Study Glucose Muta-Rotation Kinetics

Jasmin Cruz, Harrisburg University of Science and Technology
Catherine Santai, Harrisburg University of Science and Technology

Student Union

9:00 AM - 11:00 AM

9:00 AM

Using Mycelium to Bioremediate Environments Damaged by Acid Mine Drainage

Michael Lazar, Harrisburg University of Science and Technology
Jacquelyn Maddox, Harrisburg University of Science and Technology

Student Union

9:00 AM - 11:00 AM

9:00 AM

Vermifilter Treatment of Aquaculture Effluent

Maurice Lopez-Soliz, Harrisburg University of Science and Technology
Ashly Ramos, Harrisburg University of Science and Technology
Stephanie Soto Mangandi, Harrisburg University of Science and Technology
Rachel L. Fogle, Harrisburg University of Science and Technology
Joseph Tetreault, Harrisburg University of Science and Technology

Student Union

9:00 AM - 11:00 AM

9:00 AM

White Nose Syndrome

Michael Lazar, Harrisburg University of Science and Technology
Olutomilawo Taiwo, Harrisburg University of Science and Technology
Bernardo Mesa, Harrisburg University of Science and Technology

Student Union

9:00 AM - 11:00 AM