Completion Date

Spring 4-19-2024

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)

Program or Discipline Name

Project Management

First Advisor

Dr.Sarah Dyson. MS., Ph.D.


This study aims to explore patient perspectives on how electronic health record (EHR) security protocols influence care quality and outcomes. In the context of methodology, an online survey was conducted in March 2024 with 10 participants from the USA who provided informed consent. Questions assessed experience with EHRs, security concerns, perceptions of authentication impacts, satisfaction with balancing priorities, and open-ended feedback. Descriptive analysis was used to identify key themes.

Most respondents had direct EHR exposure, which validated their viewpoints. Universal concerns co-existed with preferring digital records due to facilitated sharing when regulated appropriately. One-third reported occasional access issues correlating with past research. Participants conveyed balanced, vigilant, yet optimistic views rather than extremes. Satisfaction levels exceeded dissatisfaction when technologies performed as intended to benefit care. Being qualitative, causal conclusions could not be drawn. The small sample lacked representativeness and generalizability. Self-reported data is subject to biases.

The findings provide valuable insights were gained, warranting continued exploration. More extensive quantitative studies assessing impacts on outcomes are needed. Future research should obtain more diverse, nuanced perspectives through targeted recruitment. In the context of implications, efforts to optimize EHR systems through privacy-preserving design, interoperability standards, stricter authentication guidelines, user education, and risk-benefit policy frameworks hold promise to address issues systematically over the long term. Continual assessment is imperative to maximize clinical opportunities through suitable mitigations.

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