Completion Date

Spring 6-11-2024

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)

Program or Discipline Name

Project Management

Secondary Program or Discipline Name

Project Management

First Advisor

Dr. Sarah Dyson

Second Advisor

Dr. Ella Ponsford- Gullacci


This thesis examines to what extent project prioritization frameworks used in IT portfolio management contribute to strategic decision-making and overall success at the organizational level. The discussed issue is researched through the lens of the existing frameworks and models, including the Resource-Based View , Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis, Real Options Theory, and Agile Project Management. The gap between the existing theoretical presuppositions and the reality of their use is defined and analyzed in the context of the increased need for corresponding research. Considering the fact that the given research is currently in progress, and aims to provide the corresponding organizations with the tools for analyzing the existing data received from the frameworks and their relevance to the discussed context, the expected result presupposes that, when using the given tools, organisations should reconsider the frameworks to which they resort for their decision-making processes to be successful and comprise the two important principles of strategic decision-making and strategic alignment. If the provided research is completed successfully, the results can be considered central to determining the further strategy of corresponding organizations in terms of competitive, dynamically changing conditions in which they operate.

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