Completion Date

Summer 10-16-2024

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)

Program or Discipline Name

Project Management

Secondary Program or Discipline Name

Project Management

First Advisor



The construction sector is essential in the global economy, contributing significantly to economic stability and development. Obtaining of the construction materials has been a severe challenge due to the massive economic crisis that has been witnessed globally. Despite efforts to mitigate the issue, inflation, supply chain disruptions, and a sharp increase in the cost of construction materials are occurring. Projects have been adversely affected by the changes in prices where some have stalled and others failed to meet the set deadlines. These factors are increasing construction problems that have negatively affected the project owners because the cost increase leads to budget overruns. A possible cause of this problem is the post-COVID-19 effects and wars in various parts of the world, which affect the supply chain network. If we don't solve it, the worst will happen. Therefore, this study will be exploring this issue with the main of developing some control mechanisms to deal with the situation.

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