Completion Date

Spring 4-29-2024

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)

Program or Discipline Name

Project Management

Secondary Program or Discipline Name


First Advisor

Sarah Dyson


This study examined the effectiveness of Agile and traditional project management methodologies in developing healthcare apps. While traditional approaches like the waterfall model were commonly used in healthcare IT, their inflexibility could impede app development. Agile methodologies, with their iterative approach and collaborative nature, offer a potential solution. The study assessed both methodologies by comparing their project duration, budget, user satisfaction, and success rates and provided recommendations to optimize healthcare app development processes. It also identified the strengths and weaknesses of each methodology and their suitability for different scenarios. This study used a quantitative approach to analyze data by conducting an online survey to understand the reliability of the findings. This study aims to provide insights and guidance on project management methodologies to the stakeholders and project managers in the healthcare industry. This guidance will help in the decision-making of project management methodologies in healthcare IT projects and will outcome in better patient care and advancement in the healthcare industry.

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Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License
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