Completion Date

Spring 4-30-2024

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)

Program or Discipline Name

Project Management

First Advisor

Dr. Sarah Dyson


This study article presented a quantitative examination of stakeholder participation in urban real estate affordable housing projects, specifically focusing on implementing agile project management approaches. The study identified areas requiring further understanding of stakeholder engagement strategies and has filled these gaps by utilizing current empirical research. Quantitative research methodology gathered data via anonymous surveys distributed to individual initiatives. The results underscored the effectiveness of agile techniques in enhancing stakeholder involvement, providing valuable perspectives for project managers, developers, and policymakers. The research significantly contributed to the current body of knowledge by providing empirical evidence to support stakeholder engagement techniques, addressing a significant need for more quantitative research in the sector. Furthermore, the study emphasized the crucial role of evidence-based decision-making in urban development projects and the importance of collaboration with stakeholders to achieve sustainable results in affordable housing programs. In summary, the study offered practical insights for professionals and scholars, equipping them with the knowledge to improve stakeholder involvement methods in urban real estate projects focused on affordable housing.



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