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This paper discusses the potential of machine learning, data science, and natural language processing (NLP) in mitigating the incidence of spoofing and financial risks hinged on cyber threats. Another one is spoofing; it is the act of impersonating legitimate entities to gain unauthorized information and it is indeed a threat to the public and companies to some extent. The research introduces two primary methodologies to combat spoofing: an email filtering system using a machine learning algorithm and an encryption and decryption system using a Caesar Cipher and Python programming language. It distinguishes between approved domains and unapproved domains by using machine learning and successfully filters out phishing emails from reaching the intended clients. This study also illustrates how to conduct email domain verification using MongoDB Atlas, which a database is containing approved vendors’ domains, to reduce spoofing. Specifically, incorporating NLP helps the system analyze raw data to categorize it and identify patterns potentially leading to a spoofing attempt, enhancing the spoofing detection and prevention of the system. The paper also presents arguments that require awareness and integration of new technologies in the security frameworks. Hence, incorporating machine learning, data science, and NLP presents robust, versatile, and cost-effective solutions to enhance cybersecurity and ultimately protect vital information and organizations’ monetary loss due to cybercrimes. The paper was first completed in 2021 and later I modified the article with latest updates till date 2024.

Keywords: Machine Learning, NLP, Financial Risks, Python programming, MongoDB Atlas, Spoofing, Cyber Security

Program or Discipline Name

Information Systems Engineering and Management

Secondary Program or Discipline Name

Information Systems and Information Technology

Start Page No.


End Page No.


Creative Commons License

Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International License.


doi: 10.13140/RG.2.2.18761.76640
