Completion Date

Spring 2020

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)

Program or Discipline Name

Healthcare Informatics

First Advisor

Glenn Mitchell


This project is a thorough literature review of studies concerning physical therapy interventions in conjunction with adjunct treatments for patients post-motor vehicle accidents focused on the therapy’s efficacy as related to functional outcome measures. Physical therapy is frequently treatment of choice for patients after minor motor vehicle accidents. However, most patients seek concomitant therapies like acupuncture, chiropractic, epidural steroid injection, and psychological counselling. This paper seeks to gather data on the efficacy of different treatment modalities when used in conjunction with each other. Often patients are traumatised or develop anxiety about driving requiring counselling and therapy. The vast majority of patients subsequently develop chronic pain that is lifelong, and often debilitating with significant economic and psychosocial costs.



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