Completion Date

Fall 10-16-2024

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)

Program or Discipline Name

Project Management

First Advisor

Dr. John Clark


Agile teams had the problem of rolling over of the stories in the IT projects. The spillover of the stories was happening despite of already having the commitment from the skillful team to finish the work in a Sprint. The reason of inefficiency was lack of Agile best practices like communication, collaboration, trust, teamwork, and self-organization in the Agile teams. Even though the team was skillful, the configuration was not proper. T-shaped team members have generic skill as well as diverse skill set. The T-shaped team members were lacking in the Agile teams and that’s why the spillover was happening. In this study, first the Agile best practices like communication, collaboration, trust, teamwork, and self-organization shown by the T-shaped team member were discussed. It was found that the Agile best practices enhance the efficiency of the teams. Later, the theoretical framework which support the hypothesis that the T-shaped employees embrace the Agile best practices were analyzed. The theoretical framework discussed here were Agile team dynamics, T-shaped skill theory, Cross-functional team theory, Competency-based framework, and Knowledge sharing and social capital theory. All these theoretical frameworks supported the hypothesis that the T-shaped skilled team could help in reducing the occurrence of rolling over of the stories. The chronological and thematic organization were done for the literature review. The thematic organization was done on the variables of study like communication, collaboration, teamwork, trust, self-organization, adaptability, lifelong learning, and knowledge sharing. T-shaped team members demonstrated all the qualities mentioned as the variable of study in the thematic organization of the literature review. The Qualitative research design was used in this study and thematic analysis was done on Qualtrics survey open-ended questions responses. Based on the responses of the survey questions, the reason for rolling over of the stories were improper sprint planning, not considering the retrospective feedback, immaturity in the team, and roadblocks like technical complexity, scope change etc. The survey responses also suggested that the reason for rolling over of the stories could be avoided if the team followed the Agile best practices. As per the survey responses, the T-shaped team members follow the Agile best practices. The overall efficiency was excellent in case of T-shaped team members. The T-shaped team members were good in meeting the project deadlines. Thus, it was concluded that the T-shaped team members can help in reducing the rolling over of the stories. There were some limitations with the T-shaped team members like the T-shaped team members could not become experts in the long run. The limitations with the T-shaped team members led into the future research opportunities.

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