Computer and Information Sciences, Undergraduate (CISC)


Choosing to major in computer and information sciences helps the student gain core knowledge of information sciences in order to integrate business and real-world perspectives, interpersonal and team skills, and the competencies that lead to a career in computer and information sciences. The ability to devise a solution and execute it is at the core of this program. The design of these solutions is what we call “creating a computation,” which involves the integration of few key design notions of data representation, algorithms, programming, knowledge in systems, data security, and software engineering within one unified framework. The ultimate goal is to enable the student to understand a problem and build a general-purpose computer system from the ground up through a program of study that provides a sound computer information system engineering design experience.

Concentrations include: Computational Biology, Computer Science, Cyber Security, Machine Learning, and Software Engineering and System Analysis.

Program Goals: Graduates of the Bachelor of Science in Computer and Information Sciences program have to:

  • Apply theoretical constructs of mathematical analysis, and sound reasoning to develop and deploy practical solutions for real world problems.
  • Evaluate computing system requirements sufficient for developing efficient computational solutions for real world problems.
  • Assimilate new methodologies and advances in computer technology in an ever-evolving discipline.
  • Master the elements of effective written and oral communication of results to technical and non-technical audience.
  • Work independently and in collaboration with colleagues.
  • Live up to the ethical standards of the profession and professional knowledge and skills to contribute to society.
  • Develop an understanding of the code of ethics of the software industry (social contract); and, therefore a sense of what it means to be a good citizen.


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